Technology Trends to Watch Out For in 2021

The year 2020 was such a remarkable year for the world. 

A lot more has changed as the COVID-19 outbreak hit hard making it an eventful year for all of us. While technology has always been evolving at such a rapid pace, the outbreak became a catalyst for the contactless world of tomorrow. With the new normal that we all are trying to live today, each day is proof that the world will not stay the same even after the pandemic. And what we need to do is to continuously move forward as much as possible. 

From overcoming the challenges that the new normal has in store for us, particularly the need to limit as much interaction as possible, technology has been such of great help for many sectors and industries to sustain through the changes caused by the pandemic redefining how we work, live and interact with the 

This 2021, we are looking for more advanced technologies to emerge that are supposed to help us get back on course and build for the future. Here are some of the tech trends that will help forge a better future: 

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered services and Machine Learning

AI is generally not an emerging technology but it continues to be more and more advanced for any application possible. With its ability to do work similar to what humans can do— reasoning, learning, planning, and creativity. It is a technology that offers many potential advantages on how we live, work, and play. Because of this, AI has remained a notable technology that serves many uses in the field of health, transport, manufacturing, food, and farming, in public administration and services, and more. AI is already known for its application in image and speech recognition, navigation, smartphone personal assistants such as Siri and Alexa, as well as other apps. 

Other than that, AI will be used further to detect the changing patterns of people’s behavior by analyzing data in real-time. In fact, biometric technology which is powered by AI technology has been very useful in today’s pandemic. From thermal scanners to facial recognition technology which promotes contactless systems on common touchpoints, AI-powered technologies have been making an impact in keeping people safe and secured in the ever-changing world. 

Since it can basically mimic human capabilities, the potential application of Artificial Intelligence can be endless that it may even have the potential to totally replace human work which can be both threatening and beneficial all at the same time.                                                 

Artificial Intelligence technology will transform everyday life from the way we see it now. With machine learning technology which is a subset of AI, it could potentially revolutionize Human Resources responsibilities that will rely more on the analytical processing of big data instead of individual observations that usually time-consuming. Business leaders and investors universally agree that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will transform businesses and will drive them more growth and revenue by reducing costs, managing risks, streamlining operations which makes them easier and more efficient, and lastly, by fueling innovation.

2. 5G Services 

While we already have 3G and 4G technologies that enable us to use and browse the Internet, as well as stream on YouTube, Spotify, and other apps, 5G services will gear us towards more futuristic technologies in the future such as more advanced gadgets self-driving cars and those that utilize AR and VR technologies, and cloud gaming services. It is also expected to be used of great use in HD cameras to improve safety and traffic management control on roads and streets, smart grid control, and other applications. 

5G provides better mobile broadband services compared to 4G LTE. Talk about downloading a whole drama series in a matter of seconds. However, before we reap the benefits of this technology, the world must decide who will control it.

There has been quite a tug-of-water between China and the US on which nation should have control over 5G. Currently, China’s tech giant, Huawei, is the major manufacturer of 5 G-powered equipment globally. With China being the powerhouse of this technology, the US has expressed worries over this in relation to national security risks that the other country may impose resulting in some of its allies boycott Huawei.

This feud between these two powerful countries over this may impose further conflict which may result in the global internet having separate networks. Aside from China and the US, Switzerland and South Korea are also two countries that have some of the fastest 5G networks worldwide. 

3. Cyber Security

Threats to online security are constantly new. This is why we need cybersecurity. Although this might not seem like new and emerging technology, its use will continue to evolve around like any other technology. With the majority of people use the Internet for various reasons, the risk for losing valuable information is at large with malevolent hackers present in the online world trying to steal information even with the toughest online security measures. 

Cybersecurity will always be a relevant and trending technology because new technologies are continuously emerging and evolving, thus, there is a need to also enhance security. The need for cybersecurity professionals is also growing that by 2021, $6 trillion will be spent on cybersecurity globally. 

4. E-commerce 

During the COVID-19 outbreak, people had no choice but to stay at home most of the time pushing them to shop what they need online which resulted in an eCommerce boom. Online shopping has been growing steadily since the pandemic and many brick-and-mortar businesses shifting their base online to survive in these trying times. With the new normal forcing everyone to keep a distance from each other and limiting interactions, engaging in eCommerce is a trend that will keep businesses afloat in this tech-forward world. 

5. 3D Printing

3D printing is also called additive manufacturing. This term accurately describes how the technology works to create objects. This technology is already being applied in various industries like construction, healthcare, retail, and more. This printing technique has been changing the way buildings are decorated. With this technique, the 3D-printed building may only require just 15 workers as opposed to the expected 30 for a project of its size. It can also produce 60 percent less waste than any other traditional techniques.

Technology today is enabling the rate of change and progress to accelerate in this ever-changing world. And under the current circumstance, we are drawn towards keeping up with the advancements that technology is offering. We are leaning towards emerging technologies that make work even more convenient and relevant. 

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